Alright, it’s actually just our algorithm. But stick with us. This will be a trip. Clickbait is something our platform specialises in, so we’re sorry, but we couldn’t help ourselves. We don’t really have a space programme. Keep reading though, because we’ve got something even better . Firstly, let me explain our business model. At Facebook, these days, we view ourselves less as a social media company and more of a mining company. And here, we mine the most valuable, sustainable resource on the planet: consumer data. ‘Consumer data’ is any information we collect about the people who use our services. It includes (but is certainly not limited to) their date of birth, relationship status, everything they view on-site and how long they view it for, their entire history of private messages, their private spoken conversations, the majority of their browser history even when they’re not on Facebook, all of their photos, videos… You get the picture. Gold, oil and diamonds have got nothing...