Here's a poem. It can be read on its own or as a companion piece to ' The Martial Artist ', which is also on this website. Both are best read aloud. A Living Villanelle Existence mustn't echo, nor the self Reprise repeatedly his breakout role. Rage, rage against a life in villanelle. Define 'alive' as the inverse of 'still'; Know life is movement, either young or old. Existence mustn't echo, nor the self: Our consciousness should be a constant swirl, New information churning up the pool. Rage, rage against a life in villanelle. When proven wrong, adjust your world. Rebuild. Adaptable hypocrisy's the goal; Existence mustn't echo, nor the self. Twain's history's in rhyme; that sounds like hell. Enslavement to prosodics, sans a soul! Rage, rage against a life in villanelle. I disagree with every line above. Promoting hypocrites is not my style - At least, not any more. The lives we love We should return to on repeat. So while This poem...