Belgium Yesterday, I broke down. It seemed to come from nowhere - I was just sitting with friends, half-concentrating on my computer, half-concentrating on whatever was on TV, just generally relaxing after a nice day out. And then, oh . Open on my laptop was the homepage of The Guardian . I like that paper for its climate coverage, and that day was a particularly busy day for climate reporting. At least six headlines confronted me with dire news of flooding: China, India, Belgium, Germany, The Philippines and London had all been submerged under unexpected levels of water. Hundreds had died, more were missing. Alongside these headlines were analysis columns; titles like “Extreme weather ‘will be the norm and UK is not prepared’”. That one got to me. Before I really knew what was happening, I had stood up and left the room. My eyes were blurring, my knees were wobbling. My feet took me to my bedroom, where I curled up on the floor. The dam burst. The floodwaters rushed out. The ground sh...