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Showing posts from October, 2022

Just Transition

A couple of weeks ago, I sprayed bright orange paint all over the windows of an Aston Martin storefront in London, then gave a speech about the climate emergency we're living in. I quoted the UN's Secretary-General, who has called our government "dangerous radicals" for pushing through genocidal oil and gas expansion policies that will, in no uncertain terms, kill millions of people, predominantly in the Global South. I reminded people of the context of my action: floodwaters from monsoons and glacial melt ripped 33 million people from their homes, permanently obliterating schools, hospitals, and crops across Pakistan, just last month . 16 million of those scattered from safety were children. Our moral situation right now is this: we act on the climate crisis and save billions from the horror of forced migration over the coming decades, or we get distracted by division, and allow billionaires to profit on the largest genocide the world has ever seen. Most of the comme...