And it’s off! It’s propelled by the sparkly stuff, The new pictures of people all processed above And then fed to this neuron; his job is to rush Down the river that’s cold, filled with ionic slush; Then his neurotransmitter converts him to clouds Made of chemical signals that swarm like a shroud Up towards the next neuron. The enzymes attack, But enough of the message survives past the gap To be able to change to electric again. His mood’s positive now as he starts to ascend Up one dendritic tendril, he moves with the group Now, combining their efforts to swim through the soup Of the neuron’s cell body. Collectively they Are formidably forceful, they barely delay So the axon is passed through at terminal speed, Our original signal’s last terminal deed Was to merge with the surging electrical mob. He is no longer He; He is They; They’re a blob. They’re expanding beyond all their previous shapes, Down the downtrodden lanes of the brain they escape, And they’re flexing their power to zip...